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Wednesday 17 March 2010

Cycle Seven

I had my visit to the Chester Hospital today. I wasn’t sure if I was going to have another cycle, but after the doctor discussed it with the consultant they decided it was probably best to have another one as it wouldn’t do any harm and would only help.

So at least another three weeks of chemo, unless the Liverpool Hospital changes it. I have my appointment in Liverpool next week so will see what they say.

1 comment:

  1. Si mi amor tienesq seguir l a quimo porq es para tu bien , DIOS no te preocupes todo este tiempo de tu quimo y hasta ahora DIOS te cuida
    mucho y te ama mucho , ahora solo estamos esperando para ir al Hospital q nos dira el
    solo DIOS sabe my love esperar domas.Que DIOS te
    bendiga siempre my amor. I LOVE YOU LOTS.
