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Tuesday 16 February 2010

sick leave

i read breast I have decided that after three months of Chemo therapy every week plus the daily regime of tablets and injections I have to take, it is time for me to go on the sick from work and concentrate more on my health.

I have received a letter from the Royal Liverpool hospital and have my initial appointment with Prof Clark on Friday 12 March. Being at home means that I can rest when I need to.

 polaroid-baby asleep The other day I fell asleep on the sofa for three hours during the day. I wouldn’t be able to do that while at work! I felt much better afterwards.

It was getting too much for me having to concentrate more and deal with daily tasks, so I know it is for the best and my Myeloma team have been advising me for a while not to do too much and have been surprised that I am still working.

I don’t like letting people down, but I’m sure they will understand at work….. I hope!


  1. I think you're doing the right thing Sean. We'll all miss you here but you need to take care of yourself and focus on getting better.
    Becks x

  2. Sean, thanks so much for checking out my blog at Myeloma Mania. You and I were diagnosed at the same age. It is really difficult to believe when we are so much younger than most diagnosed. I looked thru your whole blog and I am sorry that you seem to have experienced many more complications with your therapy that I did. So far, my stem cell transplant is also going as planned with no surprises yet. Keep in touch and let me know if I can help you with any questions regarding the transplant.

  3. Hola my querido Amor ,gracias a DIOS ya vas estar tranquilo en casa conmigo para cuidarte mas y ayudarte, gracias a DIOS el tambien va cuidarte mucho y curarte tenemos q tener mucha
    fe my amor, el es el TODO PODEROSO .Gracias por
    todo el amor q nos das. Te amo muchisimo por
    siempre. Que DIOS te bendiga siempre. Charito.
