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Thursday 4 February 2010

Next Cycle

Yesterday was my visit to the hospital to get the next 3 week cycle of my CDT treatment. A little bit of confusion with Dr Lee though. For some reason he thought the last time I saw him was on the 23 December. I explained that that I had seen him in January (13th) which he couldn’t recall. I tried to job his memory by telling him that it was when he increase my thalidomide to 200mg daily – he looked at the notes and said that was on 23 Dec! I started to doubt myself then as with the tablets I’m on, I do get confused at times … but I knew I had been in on the 13 Jan – after a little digging though and working it out from the original start date, we got to the bottom of it. He had written the wrong date on the notes last time. Not sure why he put the 23 Dec, but it should have been 13 Jan – All sorted in the end.

I don’t think I need to see Dr Lee anymore, I have two more cycles to go and everything is going OK so all I need next time is a repeat prescription which I am going to get from the Senior Nurses, rather than Dr Lee.

Dr Lee is referring me to the Royal Liverpool hospital, so should get an appointment through the post once they receive it. Then onto the next step of the transplant.

1 comment:

  1. Si my love it's very soon. Si my love DIOS te va cuidar mucho porq el te ama mucho. Q DIOS te
    bendiga siempre . I love you lots. Charito.
